About English-Speaking Union (Hong Kong) 


  • CREATE and organise a variety of cultural activities.

  • ENCOURAGE the enjoyment and constructive use of English through educational programmes

  • ENSURE the coordination and coherence of our activities through the skill and dedication of our voluntary helpers.

  • PROMOTE English in international public speaking competitions with annual public speaking contests held locally and Internationally and through debating training and contests.

  • PROVIDE a forum for Distinguished Speakers on a variety of topics.

  • WORK in close and innovative partnership with our corporate members and sponsors.

  • SUPPORT the further development of international friendship through our worldwide network of ESUs.



The English-Speaking Union (Hong Kong) was established in December 2001 as an independent, non-profit, educational charity whose mission is to promote local and international friendship and cooperation by encouraging the wider use of the English language. The English-Speaking Union (ESU) is an international organisation whose branches are non-political, educational entities operating in over fifty countries.

English is the key to personal achievement in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics). The language has never been more needed, its uses more varied, its contribution to international friendship and cooperation more vital. The Union’s responsibility is to work through people-to-people exchanges, scholarships, speaking and debating competitions, conferences, national and international programmes, all made possible by the generosity and interest of its members worldwide.

The English-Speaking Union (Hong Kong) is run by a group of enthusiastic volunteers led by our Chairman Mrs. Margaret Leung. Administrative support is given by our part-time Administrator.

We have different categories of membership: corporate, educational, individual and student. Our membership number, now about 150, is increasing as more and more people share with our aims and objectives.


Sir Akers-Jones

DR. Edward Leong Che-hung GBM GBS OBE JP 

Dr. Leong was the non-official member of the Executive Council of Hong Kong and specializes in urology and nephrology.

Dr. Leong was awarded the Gold Bauhinia Star in 2001 and the Grand Bauhinia Medal in 2010.


Chairman, Executive Committee
Mrs Margaret S Leung, B.Sc (Pharm), MBA, MPS, FHKIoD

Founder and Managing Director of BETAMAX Ltd. and ASIA ACTION Ltd. Qualified Pharmacist trained in the UK, MBA. Council member of the Hong Kong Institute of Directors. Board member of The Hong Kong Aids Foundation. Chairman of Amelia Earhart Fellowship District 17 Zonta International Foundation. Active Member of the HK General Chamber of Commerce and was Chairman of the Women Executive Club.

Mr Patrick

Honorary Treasurer & Director, Executive Committee
Mrs Estella to

Fellow member of Institute of Accountants in England & Wales, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants & HK Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Employed for 20 years in HK Inland Revenue Department and 20 years in Ernst & Young HK.  Retired in 2015 as Executive Director of Ernst & Young, HK Tax & Business Advisory Services.


Director, Executive Committee

  • Mr. Berthold Chung

  • Ms. Lydia Leung 

  • Ms. Judy Tam

  • Professor Robert Wright

  • Mr. James Wong

  • Professor Barley Mak

  • Ms Chatelle Chan

  • Ms Lusan Hung