Join us
Members enjoy the following privilege:
Meet interesting people from different professions and countries.
Participate in events organized or sponsored by the English-Speaking Union (ESU) Hong Kong.
Enjoy a Member's discount for participation in events, activities and meetings, and to access certain English-Speaking Union (ESU) Hong Kong services.
Receive personal notification of English-Speaking Union (ESU) Hong Kong events, activities, meetings and services, according to English-Speaking Union (ESU) Hong Kong) current administrative practice.
Benefit from a regular newsletter, which usually includes all or a selection of the following: news, language tips, reports, competitions, and more!
Apply for scholarships and other valuable opportunities made available through the English-Speaking Union (ESU) Hong Kong and through the English-Speaking Union (ESU) Hong Kong in partnership with other English-Speaking Union (ESU) around the world, subject to the eligibility requirements of each individual scholarship and opportunity.
Participate in competitions organized or sponsored by the English-Speaking Union (ESU) Hong Kong or co-organized and co-sponsored by the English-Speaking Union (ESU) Hong Kong, subject to the eligibility requirements of each individual competition.
Give back to the community by volunteering for English-Speaking Union (ESU) Hong Kong activities and projects.
Propose lecture topics and speakers.
Propose new English-Speaking Union (ESU) Hong Kong projects.
Act as an ambassador for the English-Speaking Union (ESU) Hong Kong among friends and colleagues, recommending English-Speaking Union (ESU) Hong Kong events, meetings, activities and programmes and/or bringing people along to participate.
Attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting.
Enjoy the restaurant and club facilities of the English-Speaking Union (ESU) of the Commonwealth Headquarters, Dartmouth House, London, UK.
**We welcome any member who share the same objectives and mission with us.